I know not whether the egg created the hen or the hen created the egg.
But I am told that Nature created Man,
And Man created God.
The origins of God have perplexed humanity for centuries. Is God a creator, or is He a creation of human belief? If I were to answer from my belief system, I would say it is faith itself that breathes life into gods. It is the belief of souls, across time and space, that shapes divinity.
Who Is God?
What do we truly know about God? We spend our lives defining Him, searching for Him, questioning Him. Is He a force to be understood by reason, or a presence to be felt only through an epiphany of faith?
Over the centuries, man’s perception of God has evolved. He has bestowed upon God the very traits he fears and admires—vengeful, jealous, loving, benevolent. God can lift you up or strike you down, bless you or curse you.
So, I ask—who or what is God?
If I am to believe these definitions, then either God has multiple personalities, or man has multiple perceptions of a single Almighty. Is God a supreme being sitting on high, or something far beyond our comprehension—a force that transcends time, space, and form?
The Intersection of Science and Spirituality
Modern science, in its quest for truth, now acknowledges an intelligent field that permeates creation. Stephen Hawking calls it "the mind of God," Greg Braden names it "the Divine Matrix," and Max Planck—the father of modern physics—described it as "the matrix of all matter."
In 1944, Planck stated:
"All matter originates and exists by virtue of a force. Behind this force, we must assume the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter."
Science and spirituality seem to converge here—not in defining God as a being, but in recognizing an infinite intelligence that underlies existence.
The Final Surrender
And yet, despite all logic, reasoning, and questioning—I remain unable to define Him.
Perhaps that is why I admire Him.
For beyond the search, beyond the definitions, and beyond the science, I am simply a devotee, humbled by the mystery of the divine.
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